
SendGrid vs Mailmodo

Engage more users with Mailmodo than with SendGrid

Tired of complicated email platforms that demand technical expertise? Looking to switch to a marketer-friendly one? You’re in the right place. Here’s why fast-growing teams pick Mailmodo as their SendGrid alternative.

Why Mailmodo is the preferred SendGrid alternative

Leverage the power of interactive AMP emails with Mailmodo to improve your email campaign performance.

High conversions

Add interactive app widgets, forms, carts, and calendars inside emails to convert more users.

Dedicated support

Get 24/7 support from our deliverability and performance experts via email, chat, or phone.

More features, more savings

Empower your email marketing team with a large suite of features while keeping your costs low.

Say no to redirections

Make your user journey short and conversions frictionless to reduce drop-offs.

Lower friction, higher conversions


With Mailmodo

Long user journey


With SendGrid

What you get with Mailmodo

Of the hundreds of reviews for Mailmodo and Sendgrid on G2, Mailmodo outperformed SendGrid in 7 areas of customer satisfaction, including ease of use, quality of product support, and product direction.

Mailmodo LogoSendGrid
No-code email builder

For both AMP and HTML emails

Only HTML emails

AMP email support

Transactional emails

All plans

All plans

Dedicated support

Email, chat & phone support 24/7

Email, chat & phone support

Custom template import

All plans

All plans

Email automation

Dynamic email & personalization

A/B testing

Supported integrations

Shopify, Segment, HubSpot, Calendly, Salesforce, Zoom Webinar, Mix Panel, Facebook, Zapier, Webhooks, Integromat, Google Sheets, Influencer Bit, Pabbly

Shopify, Zapier, Hubspot, Magento, WooCommerce, Google Analytics, Shopify, Salesforce, Calendly, Facebook, website builders, and marketing analytics tools

Try Mailmodo today to send interactive emails.

Affordable alternative to SendGrid

Compared to SendGrid pricing plans, Mailmodo has a better price to performance ratio, backed by advanced automation builder, no-code template editor and AMP interactivity.

Contacts Mailmodo Sendgrid
50,000 $149/mo $250/mo
100,000 $429/mo $450/mo
200,000 $499/mo $450/mo

Our clients speak

Companies trust Mailmodo to deliver a great email experience.

Easy to use

We’re ramping up our email volume with Mailmodo as the platform is intuitive and collaborative.

Saloni Rohatgi

Email Marketing

AMP email interactivity

Our campaigns saw a visible increase in numbers with Mailmodo’s interactive emails. The convenience of customer actions in the email is unparalleled.

Ridhima Achaliya

Growth Marketing

Powerful integrations

With the Mailmodo-Zapier-Slack integration, each time a user fills up the AMP feedback form, responses are posted on our Slack channel. We got 6% CTR and 15% open rates.

Pranav Goyal

Growth Lead

Frequently Asked Questions

Mailmodo is a better alternative to Sendgrid because it provides a wide range of IPs and email authentication for a high deliverability rate. Mailmodo offers far better deliverability as your emails are authenticated and you get expert assistance to warmup your domain. You also receive recommendations to improve your email health to boost your inbox placement rate.

We recommend using Sendgrid if you have a massive budget and a limited email requirement. But we don’t recommend the tool for businesses with a small budget that need advanced automation with a larger email list. They offer basic automation, but flexible and sophisticated automation workflows are missing. Instead, Sendgrid alternatives like Mailmodo offer custom multistep automation at a more affordable price.

Due to email deliverability management via domain warmup, ​​email list cleaning, and detailed deliverability reports, email marketers prefer Mailmodo above Sendgrid. Mailmodo also provides email deliverability experts for constant support to help you land in your users’ inboxes.

With Sendgrid’s free plan, you can send 100 emails every day. Also, key features such as a dynamic template editor, deliverability insights, and ticket support are included in the trial. However, once that limit is exceeded, you will have to shell out money and switch to a paid plan.

You can send 100 emails daily through Sendgrid, including some basic features. But due to low deliverability rate, users are not able to convert leads. Sendgrid alternatives like Mailmodo do a better job with a high deliverability rate and interactive emails, which ensure higher conversions.

Import contact info into Mailmodo to make sure the Sendinblue data you want to maintain will still be available after the migration is finished. However, only import clean lists; for testing purposes, send a mail to an engaged list immediately.

What product experts say about Mailmodo?


Companies trust us

Get 3X conversions
with interactive emails


Create & send interactive emails without coding


Put revenue on auto-pilot with pre-built journeys


Save time with AI-powered email content creation

1000+ businesses grew with Mailmodo, including
