
How Clinikally increased its Shopify store revenue by 71% with interactive emails


Mailmodo has easily integrated interactive shopping experiences into our emails without coding. Their user-friendly builder and prebuilt widgets are especially useful for Shopify store owners. We've seen a notable revenue increase with interactive emails and highly recommend Mailmodo to other Shopify stores.


Rohit Prakash

Creative Head, Clinikally


Low sales from email marketing


Adding cart inside emails

increase in Shopify revenue via email marketing


  • How interactive emails can increase sales for an online store
  • How to earn more revenue from your existing customers

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Here’s the playbook that clinikally used

About Clinikally

Clinikally, India’s first ever telehealth and e-pharmacy platform, exclusively for skin care, hair care and nutrition, strives to serve the consumer with the best online consultation, diagnosis and treatment plan. Clinikally has a vast product range from national and international brands, with a total of 3000+ SKUs and growing exponentially.

They envision making skin care and hair care not only effective, but also accessible to every strata of society, thus changing India’s approach to dermatology. Clinikally has already helped 10 lakhs+ patients get quality dermatology care and consultations in under 30 minutes.

Additionally, Clinikally’s same day delivery service in Delhi NCR (expanding to other cities) also ensures that the recommended treatment and products reach the patients’ doorstep without any hassle.


Clinikally sends a weekly email campaign to its customers that contain hair and skincare tips and recommends relevant products to its customers.

Since this campaign is being sent to an audience that has already consulted and purchased through Clinikally, the team expected more repeat purchases. However, the campaigns weren’t meeting the conversion goal.

The team investigated and found that two major reasons impacted the conversions.

The email open rate showed a downward trend. Customers who opened the emails weren’t visiting the link landing page to complete the purchase.


Clinikally wanted to create a seamless experience inside emails that encouraged purchases and helped them earn more revenue. While also optimising the segmentation strategy to improve their email open rates.


Clinikally started exploring ways to bring the e-commerce experience inside emails and make their emails more ‘shoppable’. That’s when they learnt about interactive emails and how they help email recipients take action inside emails.

For example, email recipients can leave a review or add products to their shopping carts inside their inboxes instead of visiting another webpage. This functionality could help them eliminate extra steps from their campaigns.

However, creating interactive emails requires coding knowledge and more time than a traditional email. This is where Mailmodo for Shopify came in. With Mailmodo, one can create interactive emails in a few clicks. No developer or designer required!

Hence, Clinikally partnered with Mailmodo and added an interactive product recommendation widget inside their weekly email campaign.

With this new interactive email campaign, customers could:
✅ add products to their carts,
✅ adjust the number of items for each product,
✅ fill in their addresses without leaving their inboxes.

This means that most of the checkout process would occur in emails, and customers would only have to visit a payment gateway to complete the transaction. Ultimately, requiring fewer steps to complete a transaction than a traditional HTML email, and the campaign was more likely to achieve higher conversion rates.

Check out how their new interactive email template looked here: Clinikally's intercative product recommendation email template for Shopify Stores

Furthermore, they realized they were sending a campaign to everyone who had made past purchases, making the list too broad.

So, they decided to track their email activity and created a new segment for the most active customers. This segment would only have customers who had opened their last 70K campaigns and showed interest in these emails. The new interactive campaigns were only sent to this list.


After sending the interactive campaign to the new segment of active customers, Clinikally registered a 90% increase in conversion as people could shop products directly from their inboxes. Furthermore, implementing the sunset policy also helped Clinikally witness a 4X rise in their open rate.

Key learnings for your next marketing campaign

Email experience is essential for conversion optimization
When customers revisit a store, they expect checkout to be smoother and more engaging. You must create a similar experience on every channel, including emails, to retain your customers.

Adding quizzes, polls, and feedback forms inside emails for your store customers can engage customers better than a plain-text email. You can even distribute coupons with widgets like spin-the-wheel embedded in emails. Creating shoppable emails with carts that can be edited inside the email fosters smoother checkout and, thus, higher revenue.

Sunset your way to better email performance
So, you’re already segmenting your email list based on demography or preferences? Great.

But have you been tracking the activity of your email recipients? Analysing this key point can help you focus on those ‘really’ interested in your emails and tailor the campaign according to their needs. Sending emails to those who actively engage will also improve your email deliverability.

So, implement a sunset policy to improve the performance of your campaigns, increase conversions, and build long-lasting relationships with subscribers and customers who value your products and services.

Get 3X conversions
with interactive emails


Create & send interactive emails without coding


Put revenue on auto-pilot with pre-built journeys


Save time with AI-powered email content creation

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