Welcome to CRO School

Get bite-sized, actionable tasks to improve your store’s conversion and revenue with 21 emails

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This course will help you
Uncover real reasons for bad conversions
Optimize every stage of buyer's journey
Learn from experts & brands that did it
What the crash course will contain
21 emails
21 emails
Get 21 emails about 21 conversion nodes with bad conversion reasons and actionable ways to fix them.
24/7 support
24/7 support
Post your queries in our Slack community and get responses from 200+ marketers
Insights from experts
Insights from experts
Get valuable tips and learn from experts on the subject.
Curriculum of the CRO School
Retention and Purchase
Day 1 - 6
  • Checkout Abandoned
  • Cart Abandoned
  • Browse Abandoned
  • Repeat Purchases
  • Review + Feedback
  • Back in Stock
Acquisition Capture
Day 7 - 13
  • Sales/Discount Coupons
  • Web/App Notifications
  • Ecommerce Popups/Banners
  • Web/Inline Forms
  • Ecommerce Chatbots
  • Ecommerce Newsletters
  • Webinars
Demand Gen
Day 14 - 21
  • Performance Marketing
  • Socials Ads
  • Search Ads
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Ecommerce SEO
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Partnerships
  • Product Page Conversion
Get actionable tips to improve your ecommerce store conversion in just 21 days

This course is in association with


We also want to thank our partners and contributors


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the CRO School

This course has been designed for people who have already set up their ecommerce store but are struggling with optimizing the conversion rate.

This course will take more than 21 business days, and we will send 2 to 3 emails per week based on the curriculum topics.

No, this course is platform-agnostic. So, you can enrol in the course even if you don't use the Mailmodo platform.