
Crafting the Perfect Ecommerce Newsletter


Ecommerce has seen exponential growth in the last decade, as have its marketing strategies. While there are many ways to reach your target audience, the' Newsletter' is one of the most underutilized tools in the ecommerce sector.

According to a study by OptinMonster, 77% of B2B companies utilize an email marketing newsletter. Additionally, a survey by Statista revealed that nearly 20% of respondents have subscribed to at least 6 to 10 newsletters in 12 months. Yet, newsletters are still a rarity in the ecommerce industry.

Why is this so?

It's time to break down the reasons and explore the potential of newsletters as an effective tool to build your brand and drive sales.

Why aren’t ecommerce brands doing newsletters?

Have you ever received newsletters from ecommerce stores? Probably not. Try searching "Newsletters by Ecommerce brands" on Google, and you'll find these results.

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The primary reasons can be boiled down to two factors:

  1. ROI-driven strategies: Ecommerce marketing strategies are often driven by immediate and quantifiable returns on investment (ROI). Getting quick ROI from newsletters, which are more of a long-term strategy, can be challenging.

  2. Focus on immediate sales: Early-stage stores often overlook Newsletters, which are primarily brand-building activities, while prioritizing immediate sales-driving activities.

The untapped potential of ecommerce newsletters

Despite the perceived challenges, the potential benefits of newsletters for ecommerce brands are immense:

  • Cost-effective brand building: Newsletters are among the least expensive ways to build your brand.

  • Stand out from the competition: Your competitors probably need to send out newsletters so you can stand out and make an impression.

  • Customer re-engagement: Newsletters can help you build a subscriber base of thousands interested in your industry or products, presenting a gold mine for repeat purchases.

  • Promotion platform: Newsletters are a great place to share offers, promote bestsellers, or introduce new arrivals.

While the advantages are clear, one major challenge remains: creating engaging and relatable content for your newsletters. How do you translate your store into a story for your buyers and subscribers?

But what should you include in it to make it engaging and beneficial for your customers? Here are five ideas to kick-start your ecommerce newsletter today.

Idea 1: Educational content

Incorporating educational content in your newsletter is a great way to engage your customers. This can include tips, guides, and how-to articles related to your products or industry.

Example: If your store sells children's clothing, your newsletters could focus on the latest trends in children's fashion, offering tips on how to style certain pieces or updates on your newest collections.

Idea 2: Humans of your stories

People love stories, especially ones they can relate to. Featuring the story of a loyal customer in each issue of your newsletter can help build a sense of community among your customers.

Example: If your store sells sports gear or athleisure, you could interview customers with inspiring sports or adventure stories.

Idea 3: A lateral topic that your audience cares about

If writing solely about your products or industry doesn't appeal to you, consider addressing a lateral topic your customers care about. This can broaden your newsletter's appeal and keep your content fresh.

Example: If your store sells laptop bags, your newsletter could include articles on time management or work-life balance, topics likely to resonate with your customers.

Idea 4: Entertaining stories about your niche

Entertaining your customers while providing useful information can make your newsletters a hit. This could include stories, jokes, anecdotes, or interesting facts about your niche.

Example: If you sell coffee, your newsletters could include heartwarming stories, humorous anecdotes about coffee lovers, or interesting facts about coffee.

If you operate in a fast-paced industry, keeping your customers updated on the latest trends and technologies can help keep them engaged and informed.

Example: If your store sells books, your newsletters could include information about upcoming novels, author interviews, or discussions on how technology is changing how we read.

Generating sales with your newsletter

Now that you have some content ideas for your newsletter, let's look at some strategies to help generate sales.

1. Interactive games: Incorporating games into your newsletter can make it fun and engaging. You could allow your subscribers to win discounts or special offers, encouraging them to interact with your brand.

2. Shopping inside email: Including product recommendation widgets in your newsletter allows your customers to browse and shop directly from the email. This simplifies the shopping process and increases the chances of conversions.

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3. Collecting reviews: A review form in your newsletter can help you collect valuable feedback about your products or services.

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Taking your newsletters to the next level

Creating and sending your newsletter is just the beginning. To take it a step further, you can use an email marketing tool like Mailmodo to add interactivity to your newsletters. With Mailmodo, you can customize your newsletter with interactive elements that bring your content to life.

Creating a successful ecommerce newsletter requires a blend of relevant and engaging content, a strong customer focus, and the right tools. With these strategies, you can create a newsletter that keeps your customers informed and engaged and helps drive sales for your business.

Choosing the right ESP

Your Email Service Provider (ESP) is crucial to your ecommerce newsletter strategy. ESPs like Mailmodo, Klaviyo, and Omnisend offer a range of features that can help optimize your newsletter campaigns.

Building your newsletter with an ESP allows you to leverage pre-designed templates, automate email sequences, and track campaign performance. You can customize these templates to match your brand's aesthetic and messaging.

Interactive emails for higher engagement

Interactive emails are a game-changer in ecommerce newsletters. Features like in-email carts can significantly enhance customer engagement and drive sales. ESPs like Mailmodo make incorporating such interactive elements in your emails easy.

1. Customizing pre-built automation: Most ESPs offer pre-built automation that you can customize to suit your needs. These may include welcome email sequences, cart abandonment reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups.

2. Adding SMS nodes in email flow: ESPs like Mailmodo allow you to add SMS nodes in the same email flow. This feature enables a multichannel communication strategy, reaching customers where they are most comfortable.

3. Analyzing newsletter performance: Understanding your newsletter performance is key to refining your strategy. Track metrics like open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate to gain insights into your campaign's effectiveness.

Final thoughts

Starting a newsletter for your ecommerce brand requires strategic planning and execution. However, by understanding its benefits, overcoming potential roadblocks, and effectively implementing the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a compelling newsletter that resonates with your audience and drives your brand forward.

When done right, ecommerce newsletters can be powerful tools for driving customer engagement and sales. With the right ESP, a touch of creativity, and a customer-centric approach, you can craft newsletters your customers look forward to receiving.

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