The irresistible
deal kit for startups
Unlock savings worth $750,000
Rewards and Incentives
Dev Tools
Health and Wellness
Want to offer your deal for startups
Submit your deal and we'll take care of the rest
Frequently asked
The deals on this page are curated and managed by the partnership team at Mailmodo. As a startup, we understand the need to spend money cautiously in the early days. So we curated this for our customers with the help of our partners. It can help each of them save up to $865,698.
Zero. We’ve not created this deal kit to make money. The mission here is to help our customers get the best products for their company at a cheaper price.
Only the customers of Mailmodo who have an active subscription to a paid plan.
Just shoot an email to with the subject “Redeem - Mailmodo deal kit”. Please make sure that you qualify for the eligibility criteria.