Fintech Event Registration Email Flow

Event registration email flow

What is Event registration email flow?

Send this sequence when someone has registered to attend your online or offline event to increase the number of attendees.

🎯 The goal of this sequence

Get more people to attend the event.

Recommended emails in this sequence: 4 emails

Optimum flow time: 1 week

Emails in this sequence

Email # 1: Registration

📩 Why this email

Confirm the registration for the event and send them the details regarding the time, date, and location where you will hold it. If it is an online event, send them a link to add it to their calendar to make sure they don’t miss out.

Email # 2: Reminder - 1 day before

📩 Why this email

Send a reminder email 1 or 2 days before the event to ensure your audience hasn’t forgotten about it. Remind them to add it to their calendar if they haven’t already.

Email # 3: Reminder 1 hr before

📩 Why this email

Send them another email a few hours before to remind them that the event is just around the corner.

Best practice

Emphasize the benefits (Live Q&A, etc.) they would get if they attend the live event.

Email # 4: Live - 10 mins after

📩 Why this email

If your event is online, you can send them an email 10 mins after joining live to get them to join in, saying, “It’s not too late to join.”

⛔ Sequence exit

Send the audience to post-event nurture.

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Targeted automated email sequences have helped increase feature adoption
Ike Baldwin
Account Manager at Whop

How to use this template in your email marketing stack?

Use the information in this flow to create one on Mailmodo and start sending the campaigns today.

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