Feedback series

Feedback email series

What is feedback series?

Regular feedback emails once in 3-6 months not only help you understand your user experience but also show your users that their suggestions and feedback are being valued.

🎯 The goal of this sequence

  • Find out how helpful your product is.

  • Understand your audience’s preferences and opinions.

  • Find out how to improve the experience for your customers.

Recommended emails in this sequence: 3 emails

Optimum flow time: 1 week

Emails in this sequence

Email # 1: Ask for feedback

📩 Why this email

Ask people about their experience using the product. Get their thoughts on how it can improve. Ask them about what updates/features they would like. Collect quantitative and qualitative feedback through emojis or NPS/CSAT and text inputs.

💡 Recommendation

Make the experience as seamless as possible for your users. Instead of redirecting to your website, you can collect feedback via email with Mailmodo. Check out how it works.

Razorpay used these interactive feedback emails to get a 257% increase in feedback responses.

Email # 2: Incentivize

📩 Why this email

Incentivize your users further through offers or discounts.

Best practice

The offer should be significant and exclusive to the people who provide the feedback so they'll feel like it's special.

Email # 3: Acknowledgement

📩 Why this email

Thank users for the positive feedback. If you receive negative feedback, mention how you plan to counter that.

💡 Recommendation

This can be achieved through a single email (email # 1) with Mailmodo’s multi-step emails by creating outcomes based on the user inputs.

⛔ Sequence exit

After completing the flow, send them to a product/feature adoption flow that shows the new ones. However, if you identify people as churn risk, send them to the churn prevention flow. You can also send them to the customer re-engagement flow every once in a while.

Talk to an email expert. Need help? Schedule an email consultation. Don't worry; it's on the house.

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without the chaos

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Targeted automated email sequences have helped increase feature adoption
Ike Baldwin
Account Manager at Whop

How to use this template in your email marketing stack?

Use the information in this flow to create one on Mailmodo and start sending the campaigns today.

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