14 Key Customer Engagement Metrics to Track in 2024

Mashkoor Alam
ByMashkoor Alam

7 mins read

With the majority of people online nowadays, businesses have more possibilities than ever to connect with their audience. Either via email newsletters, social media posts or customized content, they aim to foster a meaningful relationship and keep their audience engaged. Higher customer engagement often determines stronger brand loyalty and satisfaction, contributing towards better retention and sustainable business growth.

This article discusses key customer engagement metrics to measure, benefits of tracking them and tools you can use to do so.

What are customer engagement metrics?

The metrics that are used to track and analyze how customers are interacting with a brand or product are known as customer engagement metrics.

These metrics are key indicators that help businesses measure how actively and meaningfully customers are interacting with their brand, products, or services. They also provide insight into the quality of the relationship between a company and its customers, which can help in improving customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and overall business performance.

Benefits of tracking customer engagement metrics

By tracking engagement metrics, businesses may understand customer behavior, optimize their strategies and build durable relationships for increased growth and retention. Here’s how tracking customer engagement metrics helps you.

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1. Improves customer retention

By monitoring engagement metrics, you can analyze patterns that reveal customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This allows you to directly address the problems, double down on what you’re doing right to improve the overall customer experience. It also allows you to spot customers who are at risk of churning and implement personalized strategies to re-engage those customers.

2. Informs marketing strategies

Understanding engagement metrics such as clicks, shares, or time spent on content enables you to determine which campaigns resonate most with the target audience. You can use this information to optimize your efforts to target the right audience and increase conversion rates by understanding which campaigns result in the highest levels of interaction.

3. Drives product development

Engagement data gives an insight on how users interact with the product, including the features they use most frequently and trouble spots. By analyzing this data, companies can identify areas for improvement, drive new features and enhancements, and products can better meet and aim to surpass the expectations of their customers.

Key customer engagement metrics to track

Here, we have listed crucial customer engagement metrics you can monitor and enhance consumer interactions. We’ve divided them into three categories based on the stages of the customer journey.

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1. Social media engagement

Social media engagement assesses interactions, which include likes, shares, comments, and clicks on social media platforms. High social media engagement rates signify that the content and the type of content align well with the audience's interests, whereas diminished engagement may imply a necessity to modify the content strategy.

2. Conversion rate

The conversion rate assesses the ratio of visitors to a website or campaign recipients who take a desired action, such as - make a purchase, subscribe to a newsletter, fill in a contact form etc. You can calculate the conversion rate using the formula below.

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3. Pages per session

This metric shows the average number of pages a visitor views in one session on a website. A higher figure suggests that the user finds your website relevant and useful and is possibly looking into other sections of the site. Conversely, a lower this figure indicates that the website has a poor user experience.

4. Average session duration (ASD)

Average session duration measures the average time a user spends on a website during a single session. Extended periods may point to an interest in content, and short durations suggest that they are simply not interested. You can calculate the average session duration using the formula below. click rate-7.png

5. Page visit frequency

This metric tracks how often a user returns to visit a website over a given period of time, thereby indicating customer loyalty and the ability of the website to retain visitors.


1. Free to paid conversion rate

It measures the percentage of users migrating from a free trial or freemium model to a paid subscription or purchase. This is especially important for free product or free trial providers because it shows how well a product or service keeps people engaged and provokes people to invest in it. You can calculate the free to paid conversion rate using the formula below.

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2. Sales demo to conversion rate

It measures the percentage of prospects who eventually make the purchase after seeing a demo. This metric is especially relevant for B2B companies or businesses that sell complex products requiring personal demonstrations to showcase features and benefits. You can calculate the sales demo to conversion rate using the formula below.

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Retention and engagement

1. Active users count

Active users are defined as the number of distinct individuals interacting with a brand within a specific time period. DAU measures the number of daily active users, whereas MAU measures monthly active users.

2. Feature adoption rate

Feature adoption rate is defined as the number of people actively using a particular feature of a product, thereby indicating the value and relevance of the feature to customers. You can calculate the feature adoption rate using the formula below. click rate-3.png

3. Click through rate (CTR)

CTR describes the number of individuals who click on a link, ad, or call-to-action in an email. It's one of the standard and most important email marketing metrics. You can calculate the click through rate using the formula below. click rate-4.png

4. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

CSAT measures the degree of satisfaction of customers towards a particular product, service, or interaction. Customers usually rate their satisfaction from 1 to 5 on a scale. This is an extremely quick and easy way to measure the customer's satisfaction.

5. Customer Effort Score (CES)

CES evaluates the ease with which customers can accomplish a specific task, such as resolving an issue or locating information on a website. Lower effort scores signify a more seamless customer experience.

6. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS measures the loyalty of the customer by asking customers how likely they are to recommend the product or service. Responses get categorized into Promoters (score 9-10), Passives (score 7-8), and Detractors (score 0-6). You can calculate the net promoter score using the formula below.

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7. Churn Rate

Churn rate is the proportion of customers who give up using a product or service within a specific period. Very high churn rates may indicate problems with the product or the level of customer service.

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Tools for measuring customer engagement metrics

Here is a table listing various tools that marketers can use to track and analyze customer engagement, along with their key features and pricing.

Tool Key features Pricing
Google Analytics Comprehensive website analytics, user behavior tracking, conversion tracking, and goal setting. Free for basic features; Premium version (Google Analytics 360) costs $12,500 per month or $150,000 per year.
HubSpot CRM Contact management, email tracking, marketing automation, reporting, and analytics. Free and available to all users, regardless of their HubSpot CRM plan.
Mixpanel Advanced event tracking, cohort analysis, funnel reports, A/B testing, and retention analysis. Free for up to 100,000 monthly tracked users; paid plans start at $20/month.
Vitally Customer health scoring, churn prediction, and retention analysis with a focus on customer success metrics. Pricing is available upon request, typically tailored to business needs.
Zendesk Customer support and engagement tracking, ticket management, and customer satisfaction surveys. Offers a 14-day free trial with paid plans starting at $55 per agent per month.


Tracking customer engagement metrics is essential for developing strategies that boost satisfaction, retention, and business growth. By understanding the key engagement metrics, you can gain valuable insights into customer behaviors and preferences. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions that lead to improved customer experiences and long-term success.

Ultimately, making use of these metrics enables you to adapt to changing customer needs and expectations, paving the way for durable growth. Make use of the information provided in this article to set up your own customer engagement strategy and drive meaningful results for your business.


Yes, metrics like CES and NPS provide insights into the quality of customer support and identify areas for improvement.

Small businesses can use these metrics to optimize their marketing efforts, improve product features, and retain customers more effectively.

High engagement levels can be a strong indicator of future sales, as engaged customers are more likely to make purchases and recommend the brand.

Focus on personalized marketing, enhance product features based on customer feedback, and provide excellent customer service to increase engagement.

What should you do next?

You made it till the end! Here's what you can do next to grow your business:

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Table of contents

What are customer engagement metrics?
Benefits of tracking customer engagement metrics
Key customer engagement metrics to track
Tools for measuring customer engagement metrics

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