Landing Page Vs Product Page - What's The Difference?

Sneha Chatterjee
BySneha Chatterjee

7 mins read

Landing pages and product pages both play a pivotal role in your website. They serve very distinct purposes. Once you understand the core goals of each, it becomes clear why you need both as part of your customer experience rather than just one or the other.

In this guide, we will explore the core differences between landing pages and product pages in detail. We will also talk about the different scenarios in which you can use each and why using both is a good idea. So, read along!

What is a landing page?

A product landing page is a specific web page focused solely on persuading visitors to take a conversion action on one particular product. Its sole purpose is to sell that product and drive conversions by highlighting the key features of the product rather than providing detailed information.

Before visiting a landing page, customers are usually in their awareness stage and haven't quite reached the decision stage to buy your product. Your landing page acts as a bridge between awareness and consideration. It seamlessly transitions the visitor to your product page, where they can find detailed features, pricing, and other benefits of one product that they might want to buy.

Here are the basic functionalities of a landing page:

  • All elements of a landing page drive action on a specific product offering to minimize distractions.

  • It focuses on primary features, benefits, and value rather than intricate details about the product. The goal is to capture interest quickly.

  • Since details are limited, they use impactful images/videos to showcase the product and its value visually.

What is a product page?

A product detail page is a web page that provides detailed information about a specific product. It allows potential customers to get all the details they need to evaluate the product before making a purchase.

Here are the basic functionalities of a product page:

  • It provides specifications of the product, including details like features, dimensions, and materials.

  • It showcases visuals of the product through multiple high-quality images and videos.

  • It lists pricing clearly, along with shipping and return information, which removes the audience’s uncertainty and doubts.

  • It features customer reviews to help users in their purchasing decisions.

What is the difference between a landing page and a product page?

While both pages are essential components of a marketing strategy, they serve distinct functions. A product page will provide you with all of the information you need about one particular product, whereas a landing page will provide a product’s key features enticingly to raise your interest in it and lead you down the funnel.

Let’s understand these differences better:

Feature Landing page Product page
Design and structure Focuses more on the visuals like images, carousels, etc. to create a more lasting impression. Focuses more on the text to deliver the specs and technical details of the product in a clean way.
Content and messaging Persuasive, concisely emphasizing unique selling points. Feature-oriented, providing in-depth information about product functionality, benefits, etc.
Key elements Strong headline, hero image, succinct copy, clear CTA. High-quality product images, detailed descriptions, specifications, feature lists, customer reviews, social proof, and related products.
User Journey The entry point from a marketing campaign. It usually targets specific pain points and leads the customer to a product page. Deeper stage in the user journey, accessed after exploring options.
Call to action (CTA) Allows you to download resources, subscribe to emails or lead you to the product page. Allows you to add products to your cart, compare products or add to a wishlist.
Navigation Limited navigation elements to avoid distractions and keep focus on conversion. More extensive navigation options allow users to explore similar products and brand information.

Which to use to when?

Now, you might be thinking: "So which page wins? Landing page or product page?" Well, choosing the right one is a strategic decision based on your campaign goals, audience awareness, and desired outcome.

Sending them to the wrong place can be like sending them to a wrong turn in a maze. Let's explore different scenarios and determine which of the two you should be used in each:

Scenario 1: Your audience has never heard of your brand before

Suppose you're launching a new fitness app. Your audience is health-conscious individuals who are yet to hear of your brand.

Action: Send them to a landing page with a clear headline explaining your app's value proposition ("Get fit in 30 minutes a day!"). Offer a free trial or e-book download in exchange for their email address. This builds awareness and captures leads for further marketing.

Scenario 2: Your audience has never heard of your product before

Suppose you have a new line of brightening serum. Your audience doesn’t even know that such a product exists. Or maybe, they have heard of your brand but still are not aware of this new product line.

Action: Send them to the landing page to introduce the product and drive interest. Here, explain how it solves their problems and showcase its features. You can also throw in some offers. For example – "Tired of dull skin? Introducing the Lumina Brightening Serum, clinically proven to boost radiance and reduce wrinkles. Sign up for our waitlist and get 20% off your first purchase by joining our mailing list."

Scenario 3: Your audience knows your brand and product well but hasn’t purchased

Suppose you offer a popular language-learning app. Your audience knows about it but is hesitant to subscribe.

Action: Send them to a storytelling landing page focusing on the user's journey and the positive impact of learning a new language. Use video testimonials, case studies, or user-generated content to showcase real-world success stories. Offer a limited-time discount or exclusive bonus content to nudge them towards purchase.

Scenario 4: Your audience is comparing your products to others before making a decision

Suppose you're a well-established computer brand launching a new laptop model. However, before making such a substantial investment, your audience wants to compare the features and prices of different laptops.

Action: Send them to a detailed product page where they can get all the information they need, including your product's strengths, high-quality images, technical specifications, and clear descriptions of each feature.

Why are both necessary?

A product landing page serves as the initial point of contact, creating a strong first impression with a focus on high-level benefits and unique selling points. For example, Apple's iPhone landing page highlights key features and sleek design, urging visitors to explore further.

Once a user expresses interest, the product detail page becomes crucial. For example, Apple’s product detail page delves into detailed features, camera capabilities, and hardware specifications, catering to users seeking comprehensive details before making a purchase.

Moreover, both a landing page and a detail page are also important for SEO. The landing page targets broader keywords related to the product category, attracting a wide audience. On the other hand, the detail page optimizes for more specific keywords, capturing users in the later stages of the buying process. For instance, a phone landing page might target "best phones," while the detail page targets "phones with advanced dual-camera system." It is also important to ensure that your messaging and branding are consistent across all platforms, including social media, when promoting your landing page. This will help to reinforce your messaging and attract a wider audience to your product or service.


While product and landing pages serve different functions, both are essential components of an efficient marketing plan. The decision between them is determined by criteria such as the user's intent, referral source, and stage of the buyer's journey.

You can incorporate both in your marketing strategy following the scenarios that we've discussed in this guide to make optimal use of both.

What you should do next

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, particularly when your audience is already familiar with your brand, but not the specific product. In such cases, sending users directly to a product page can provide them with detailed information, specifications, and reviews, catering to their existing awareness and making it easier for them to make a purchasing decision without the need for initial engagement on a landing page.

Absolutely. Landing pages and product pages serve different purposes in the customer journey. A well-planned campaign might involve directing users to a landing page for initial engagement, and then seamlessly transitioning them to a product page for detailed information. This strategic combination can effectively guide users through the sales funnel.

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