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Conversion Rate Calculator
What is conversion rate?
Conversion rate is the percentage of users that performed or completed a desired action as compared to the total number of users. This action could be anything from clicking on a CTA or subscribing to a newsletter to filling up a form. It gives you an understanding of how effective your marketing efforts are.
Conversion rate formula
Conversion rate = total number of conversions / total number of visitors * 100
Understanding the result
The conversion rate allows you to understand how well your marketing efforts are doing.
A higher conversion rate indicates that your website or marketing campaign is effective and is resonating well with the users and making them take the desired action.
A lower conversion rate indicates that there is need to improve your messaging, website, etc. to resonate with your target audience better.
When to calculate conversion rate
You must calculate the conversion rate to understand if your marketing campaigns or your website are resonating well with your audience or not. It is essential to measure your conversion rate specially when you make changes to your website or run a new marketing campaign to see how well it is performing and if it is fetching you the desired outcome.
How to calculate Conversion rate with example
If you had 10000 visitors on your website and only 350 of them actually clicked on the CTA, then the conversion rate can be calculated as:
Conversion rate = total number of conversions / total number of visitors * 100
Conversion rate = (350/10000)X100
So, your conversion rate is 3.5%.
How to use the conversion rate calculator?
To calculate the conversion rate, you must first enter the total number of conversions that happened, like how many users clicked on the CTA or filled up a form. Then enter the total number of users that came in contact with your page or website. The tool will then give you the conversion rate in percentage.
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