CTR Calculator: How to Calculate Click-Through Rate

What is CTR?

Click-Through Rate (CTR) is a crucial metric in digital marketing that measures the effectiveness of your online ads, email marketing efforts and website. It represents the total number of people who either clicked on a link in an email, a CTA on a website, or on an ad out of the total number of recipients, visitors, or viewers.

How to use the CTR calculator

To calculate your CTR, enter the total number of clicks and the total number of impressions/emails delivered /visitors into the CTR calculator. The tool will instantly provide your CTR percentage, helping you gauge the performance of your campaign.

CTR formula

CTR=(Number of Clicks​/Number of Impressions)×100

CTR=(Number of Clicks​/Number of Impressions)×100

Note: Total impressions will be replaced with number of email delivered in case of email CTR and number of visitors if you’re measuring the CTR of your website.

When to calculate CTR

CTR should be calculated for any digital marketing campaign. Monitoring CTR helps you identify which kinds of ads, emails, or content are driving the most user interaction and which are lagging behind. You must calculate your CTR:

  • After you send an email campaign.
  • After you run an ad campaign.
  • To understand the effectiveness of your website design.

Understanding the CTR result

The ideal CTR may vary depending on your particular industry and the specific channel (online ads, emails, website, etc.) that you are using.

  • A high CTR indicates that your content is highly engaging and relevant to your audience, prompting them to click through to your website or landing page.
  • A low CTR suggests that your content is not sufficiently capturing your audience’s attention. This may signal that you need to refine your messaging, targeting, or design.

CTR calculation example

Suppose you sent an email campaign to 5500 people out of which 5500 emails were delivered. Out of this, 250 people clicked on the CTA button in your email. Your CTR will be calculated as follows: ** CTR=(Number of Clicks​/Number of Impressions)×100 ** CTR = (250/5,000) X 100 = 5%

In this example, your CTR is 5%, indicating that 5% of users who received your email clicked on the link, which is generally considered a good CTR.

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