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Month-Over-Month Growth Calculator

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What is MoM growth?

Month-over-month (MoM) growth is a metric that measures the percentage change in a particular business metric such as revenue, website traffic, customer base etc. from one month to the next. It is a useful rate to track short-term trends and to monitor the effectiveness of various strategies. You can use this metric to keep optimizing your strategies to steer various efforts such as your marketing campaigns.

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MoM growth formula

An image showing MoM growth formula. MoM Growth (%) = [(Value in Current Month−Value in Previous Month)/Value in Previous Month​] × 100

Understanding the MoM growth result

The ideal MoM growth will depend on various factors such as the metric you are measuring and your targets. The MoM value can be either positive or negative.

  • A positive MoM growth indicates an increase in the metric that you are measuring. This indicates that there is favorable growth from the previous month.
  • A negative MoM growth indicates a decrease in the metric. This indicates that you may require adjustments in your current strategy.

When to calculate MoM growth

Some of the key scenarios where you should calculate MoM growth include:

  • While conducting monthly performance reviews
  • After launching a new marketing campaign or product to evaluate its immediate impact
  • To identify short-term growth patterns or seasonal trends
  • To make quick, data-driven adjustments to business strategies
  • To monitor the effectiveness of cost optimization and growth initiatives

How to calculate MoM growth with example

Imagine your business generated $60,000 in revenue in March and $50,000 in revenue in February. You can calculate MoM as follows:

MoM Growth (%) = [(Value in Current Month−Value in Previous Month)/Value in Previous Month​] × 100

MoM Growth = [(60,000 - 50,000)/ 50,000] x 100 = 20%

In this example, your MoM growth is 20%, meaning that your revenue increased by 20% from February to March.

How to improve your MoM growth

Depending on the metric that you are calculating you might need to focus on different aspects:

Metric What you need to improve
Website visitors Focus on strategies like seasonal content planning, optimizing content for current trends, and improving social media engagement to increase traffic every month.
Sales Review and optimize your sales funnel, offer timely promotions or discounts, and analyze your sales data to identify areas for growth each month.
Email subscribers Experiment with different content offerings, optimize your sign-up forms, and segment your audience to better target them each month.
Social media followers Consistently post engaging content, collaborate with influencers, and use ads effectively to grow your follower base month over month.
Average order value Introduce upselling and cross-selling strategies, improve product recommendations, and offer bundling discounts to increase the average order value month over month.

How to use the MoM growth calculator

To calculate MoM growth, enter the value of the current month and the value in the previous month of the metric for which you want to know the month-over-month growth. The calculator will automatically calculate your MoM growth.

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