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Organic Traffic Calculator

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What is organic traffic?

Organic traffic refers to visitors who land on your website through unpaid search results on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Estimating your organic traffic can help you plan your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies effectively.

Relevant channels: Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and other search engines.

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How to use this organic traffic calculator

To calculate the estimated organic traffic of your page, enter the search volume of your keyword and choose your SERP position (1-10). Based on these inputs, the calculator will instantly estimate the amount of organic traffic you can expect.

Organic traffic formula

An image showing organic traffic formula

Organic Traffic = Keyword Search Volume × Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The click-through rate (CTR) depends on your position in the search results:

  • Position 1: 40% CTR

  • Position 2: 20% CTR

  • Position 3: 10% CTR

  • Positions 4-5: 5% CTR

  • Positions 6-7-8: 2.5% CTR

  • Positions 9-10: 1% CTR

Note that these values are approximate and may change based on your industry, location and SERP layout.

Understanding the organic traffic result

The ideal organic traffic will depend on your keyword, targets, industry, etc. A high position in the SERP yields more traffic due to the increased CTR at the top positions. Additionally, organic traffic can vary based on factors like the quality of your meta description and title tags, which affect CTR.

When to calculate organic traffic

  • When analyzing the impact of SEO efforts on traffic

  • Before optimizing a webpage for a high-volume keyword

  • To forecast potential traffic for newly targeted keywords

  • When evaluating your site’s performance relative to competitors on specific keywords

How to calculate organic traffic (with example)

Let us assume that your monthly keyword search volume is 1,000, and your site ranks in position 2. Your estimated organic traffic can be calculated as follows:

Organic Traffic = Keyword Search Volume × Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Organic Traffic = 1,000 × 0.20 = 200 visitors

In this case, ranking in the second position for a keyword with 1,000 monthly searches would result in an estimated 200 organic visitors.

How to improve your organic traffic

  • Optimize your on-page SEO by using relevant keywords in titles, meta descriptions, headers, and body content to improve rankings.

  • Create high-quality, valuable content that addresses user intent and provides comprehensive, actionable insights.

  • Improve website speed and usability by offering a fast, user-friendly experience.

  • Optimize your page for mobile devices

  • Continuously track your rankings and organic traffic to make data-driven adjustments to your SEO strategy.

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