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Sponsorship ROI Calculator

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What is sponsorship ROI?

Sponsorship ROI measures the value generated from sponsoring an event, team, media platform, etc., compared to the cost of sponsorship. Understanding this metric can allow you to devise your sponsorship strategies based on your expected outcomes, such as brand visibility, lead generation, or sales.

Relevant channels: Event sponsorship, sports sponsorship, media sponsorship, digital campaign sponsorships, influencer partnership

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How to use this sponsorship ROI calculator

To calculate your sponsorship ROI, enter the following information:

  • Direct Sales: The revenue generated directly from the sponsorship.

  • Value of Leads Generated: The estimated value of leads gained through the sponsorship.

  • Media Exposure: The value of media exposure (e.g., media mentions, social shares, etc.).

  • Brand Awareness Value: The estimated impact of the sponsorship on brand visibility.

  • Sponsorship Fee: The total amount paid for the sponsorship.

  • Activation Costs: Any additional costs incurred to activate the sponsorship (e.g., promotional materials, event activations).

The calculator will instantly calculate your sponsorship ROI based on these inputs.

Sponsorship ROI formula

An image showing sponsorship ROI formula

Sponsorship ROI = (Revenue Generated - Sponsorship Costs) / Sponsorship Costs x 100


Revenue Generated = Direct Sales + Value of Leads Generated + Media Exposure + Brand Awareness Value

Sponsorship Costs = Sponsorship Fee + Activation Costs

Understanding the sponsorship ROI result

The ideal sponsorship ROI will depend on your targets, the nature of your sponsorship, your industry, etc. Generally,

  • A high sponsorship ROI indicates that your sponsorship will generate/ has generated more value (in terms of sales, leads, media exposure, etc.) than it costs, making it a worthwhile investment.
  • A low sponsorship ROI indicates that you need to optimize your sponsorship expenditure as it is not delivering the expected returns. A negative ROI indicates a loss, signaling a need for immediate reassessment.

When to calculate sponsorship ROI

  • After major sponsored events or campaigns

  • Annually, to evaluate the cumulative effect of all sponsorships on the brand

  • When deciding on sponsorship renewals or expansions

  • After the introduction of a new product or service tied to a sponsorship

How to calculate sponsorship ROI (with example)

Imagine that you have the following data regarding an event sponsored by you

  • Direct Sales: $100,000

  • Value of Leads Generated: $40,000

  • Media Exposure: $25,000

  • Brand Awareness Value: $30,000

  • Sponsorship Fee: $50,000

  • Activation Costs: $20,000

You can calculate your sponsorship ROI as follows:

Sponsorship ROI = (Revenue Generated - Sponsorship Costs) / Sponsorship Costs x 100

Revenue Generated = 100,000 + 40,000 + 25,000 + 30,000 = $95,000

Sponsorship Costs = 50,000 + 20,000 = $70,000

Sponsorship ROI = (195,000 - 70,000) / 70,000 x 100 = 171 %

The above example indicates that your sponsorship has returned 171% on your initial investment.

How to improve your sponsorship ROI

  • Ensure alignment between sponsorship and target audience to maximize conversion rates

  • Incorporate digital activations such as social media engagement or interactive features

  • Negotiate better sponsorship packages that offer more exposure or benefits at lower costs

  • Monitor and measure media exposure and engagement to increase the brand's visibility

  • Create engaging post-sponsorship content that highlights your involvement and boosts awareness

  • Introduce lead capture mechanisms at sponsored events to improve lead generation

  • Evaluate the brand lift periodically to adjust future sponsorship strategies

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