Unsubscribe Rate Calculator - How to Calculate Unsubscribe Rate

What is unsubscribe rate?

Unsubscribe rate is an email marketing metric that measures the percentage of subscribers who opt out of your mailing list during a certain period of time. This metric helps you to understand the effectiveness of your email campaigns and the relevance of your emails to your recipients.

How to use the unsubscribe rate calculator

To calculate your unsubscribe rate, enter the total number of recipients who unsubscribed from your emails and the total number of emails that you sent. The tool will then calculate your unsubscribe rate and provide insights into how your audience is responding to your emails.

Unsubscribe rate formula

An image showing unsubscribe rate formula

Unsubscribe Rate=(Number of Unsubscribes​/Total Emails Sent)×100

Understanding the unsubscribe rate result

  • A low unsubscribe rate indicates that your subscribers find your emails relevant and are satisfied with the content and frequency of your emails.
  • A high unsubscribe rate suggests that many subscribers are opting out of your mailing lists. This may be due to issues with the content, relevancy, or frequency of your emails and require you to make changes accordingly.

When to calculate unsubscribe rate

The unsubscribe rate should be calculated in the following relevant scenarios:

  • After each email marketing campaign
  • During monthly or quarterly email marketing performance reviews
  • When testing new email content or design
  • Before and after changes to email frequency or timing
  • When comparing performance across different types of emails

Unsubscribe rate calculation example

Let’s say you sent out an email campaign to 5,000 subscribers and 50 people unsubscribed. The unsubscribe rate can be calculated as follows.

Unsubscribe Rate=(Number of Unsubscribes​/Total Emails Sent)×100

Unsubscribe Rate=(50/5,000)×100=1%

In this example, your unsubscribe rate is 1%. This means that 1% of your subscribers opted out of your mailing list.

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