From Reflection to Action: Strategies for DTC Founders

In this episode, we sit down with Ada Hsieh, a makeup artist and the founder of Fluency Beauty. Looking back, she shares the challenges, solutions and rewards of her entrepreneurial journey.


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Entrepreneurs create what no one has thought of yet or, for people who don't even know they need it. Their vision and intuition then becomes their North Star. Here are Ada's biggest takeaways from her own entrepreneurial journey:

  1. Build mental fortitude and resilience. Imagine your goals come true the way athletes visualize success to stay strong on the hard days.
  2. Practive selective hearing and leanr to filter out the noise from helpful advice.
  3. Surround yourself with community of peers and mentors to support you through your journey
  4. Let yourself relax to be creative. Moments when you're bored or you're not thinking of work are when some of the best ideas arrive.
  5. Be clear about your brand vision, values and identity. It builds the foundation of your business and lets people connect to it

Meet the Speaker


Ada Hsieh

Founder & CEO, Fluency Beauty

Ada is a makeup artist and founder of Fluency Beauty. Former Wall Street trader, she's built a plant-based makeup line to help people feel the best while doing good for the environment

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