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How to Create a Strong Brand Identity with Jameela Ghann

In this episode, we sit down with Jameela Ghann, with over 14 years of experience in leading content marketing and communications. Her specialty lies in helping brands discover their unique brand voice and propositions. And then using that to create content that resonates with their ideal audience.


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The biggest challenge of digital marketing is being yet another generic brand that doesn’t cut through the noise. Here are 5 takeaways from Jameela’s experience of helping brands find their brand identity:

  1. Engage with customers. Actively interact with your target audience whether online or in real life, to understand your audience's feelings and preferences about your brand.

  2. Social listening is almost free, so monitor competitors' ads and popular posts to gain insights into customers' sentiments and preferences, helping you refine your marketing strategy.

  3. Be authentic. Consistency and honesty in communication are essential as customers can easily spot authenticity.

  4. Use product reviews heavily to earn the trust of your potential customer. Trust is what helps convert non-customers to first-time customers.

  5. Combine your unique brand values and customer needs to figure out your content pillars. You can now use these to build a content marketing strategy.

Key Moments

4.23 - Pros of starting a business at a young age
10.31 - How to talk to your customers and why do it
18.54 - Figuring out your brand voice
27.40 - Using your brand values to create a content strategy
36.57 - The impact of reviews in the buyer journey

Meet the Speaker


Jameela Ghann

Marketing and Partnerships Manager, Fera.ai

Jameela Ghann has been a content marketer for 14 years and is now the marketing manager at Fera.ai. She has also co-founded and led communications at her own jewelry brand, Alora Boutique, since she was a teenager. Through all her experiences, she’s grown to specialize in crafting content that also puts front the values and uniqueness of a brand.

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